Wednesday 15 January 2014

January Update

Last year saw a number of retirements and a few additions to the business; Colin Saunders took us by surprise in late November announcing his imminent retirement, but as he was working only 3 days a week and mainly dealing with Maintenance issues, his work load has been easily re-allocated. We wish him well!

Moving forward we will need another London based engineer! Anyone interested?

Gary Butler joined us from a London based contractor where he was a service director – we are looking forward to his contribution moving forward. Tim Piggott has transferred to our Bishop’s Stortford office balancing our resource in the South East strengthening the M11 corridor.

Vijith is visiting Mumbai generally broadening our contact base and we are looking forward to further meetings in Dubai and Doha later in the month/February.

The workload continues to improve in all areas, both geographically and business sectors so let’s hope the World can generally behave itself and we can all move forward to improve our lives without interference from geopolitical nonsense!

We look forward to a successful and prosperous 2014!